Sure Telecom retail interior design project

Much like interior design and décor, there is a science to retail interior design. It too is a highly specialized discipline. If not more so due to the heavy demands placed on making a retail space deliver a return on investment, and not just making a client happy.

Yes the client comes first but it’s got to deliver a return; its main purpose is to generate sales. Retail space is there to hold stock and sell that stock to consumers. That space must be designed in a way that creates the perfect environment for the consumer to experience and purchase those products.

Retail space must be specifically designed with the products being sold front of mind; for example, a card store such as Paperchase requires a multitude of large shelving units that can display their greeting cards in easy to browse categories. Whilst a clothes store on the other hand needs a more open free flowing space that will fully showcase their latest collections



The Episode store front in Dusseldorf

All retail spaces, but especially chain stores, need to create their own identity, a unique aesthetic that’ll draw people into the store. The frontage is your advertisement, the window display your opportunity to sell what’s inside, all working together to attract consumers inside. And once in the store, you must have a space the works for the products you’re selling. That aids and encourages the shopping experience.

In the case of a chain store, it is vital this identity is carried across each store too. The likes of Paperchase (sorry we know we’re a little biased), All Saints, Apple, and Next (to name but a few) are masters of this. Yes the building/space can be radically different, but the overall aesthetic is unified across every outlet. Sorry, but this can simply not be achieved effectively without consulting a professional retail design company.

The high street is a ruthless place if you overlook simple things like a strong window display, a store layout that flows correctly, strong signage, and functional merchandising; you’re store can fail.

Paperchase, Bishopsgate Store, London., MiPD, Made in Place

Inside the Paperchase store at Bishopsgate

If you’ve got the budget for it, then trusting your store to a retail design company such as us will ensure you tick all the boxes, get things right first time. Designing a retail space to both appeal and invite inside your target consumer is no easy task. The space must be carefully designed to optimise sales potential.

Many organisations think they know their brand, and that simply taking that brand identity can help you identify the correct type of lighting, circulation plan and fixtures, shop fittings etc. It’s just not that simple, you can’t just throw a logo above a shop door and cross your fingers. This is where we come in. This is why you should hire a retail interior designer.


Store front of American Retro Soho, London

If you don’t have that experience, then producing a budget (and sticking to it), identifying the right fittings at the best prices, complying with building regulations and planning timelines can be a massive headache. But by hiring a retail design firm, you’re putting all these things in the hands of professionals.

A company like ours has been doing this for a number of years, we know the industry. Most of the things that can go wrong, we’ve seen them before, and most importantly, we know how to fix them. We have excellent relationships with select contractors and suppliers, all of whom can help you realise your designs on budget and to the highest standards.