Reuters Head Office

Located in the last Lutyens building to be completed in London, we redesigned the Reuters directors’ offices. We created efficient offices for the directors and their PAs using lots of lavish finishes including rosewood wall panelling, limestone flooring and brass fittings.


Each director styled their office to their own taste, some had wood panelling and carpets and others not. We worked closely with the IT department to create a reception feature that we believe was a first; rolling screens presenting moving images, stills and words all on one screen. Projected from floor mounted projectors onto angled mirrors and then back onto a long custom made TV screen, the feature ran from the reception area, through corridors and into the main directors’ office area, a distance of some 20m. A high pressure job as sometimes the directors, because they were working over multiple time zones could be in the office until the early hours of the morning, even on Sunday, so therefore, our programmes were being constantly reorganised.